TogetherStrong Foundation (TSF) is a non-profit Organisation based in The Netherlands and aims at bringing community members with different background together by creating cultural awareness, giving them space to dialogue about culture, history, traditions and its integration into the current society. Thus believing that this contributes to better integration of different community members into the dutch society, where they feel more seen and heard.

Its activities are mainly focused in Europe, especially in The Netherlands and Azerbaijan. The Foundation has broad knowledge about development in Caucasus and development processes in Caucasus last decades. The most recent projects were implemented in Azerbaijan. More information to be found under Projects.

TogetherStrong Foundation works on contribution or donation of the individual community members and charity organisations. Also in kind contribution such as ideas or volunteer work is highly appreciated.

The Foundation appreciates to work with different stakeholders working in the similar field and is open to new project / collaboration ideas.

Should you have ideas for future projects or collaboration possibilities, please feel free to contact us.